Sunday, June 5, 2011

And These Are A Few of My Favorite Things........

Having finally finished Ann VosKamp's book, One Thousand Gifts, I feel like the same person with a different outlook on life. Her thankfulness and gratitude for the simple things in life and for the complexiteis of Grace amaze me! Shouldn't all believers feel this way? Shouldn't I be grateful for small things like giggles and sunshine and most appreciative of challenging ideas like salvation and eternal life? So, she has inspired me to keep a journal of my own 1,000 gifts or blessings that I have acknowledged in my own life. I have also given a journal to each of my girls and they are keeping a list of 1000 gift. Should be interesting to see how their perspecitve changes over the years. My goal is for the girls to keep this journal and complete it in highschool and I will give them the book to read. We shall see...........okay, so here are a few of from my list. Also remember that I just returned from Guatemala! These are gifts of mine and I am thankful for..........

8. seeing a mamma with her baby wrapped tight to her back and a basket full of life on her head- this beauty of motherhood espoused to multitasking is an idea that is not solely owned my Americans but dances across all nations

11. refocusing and realizing that I need to slow down and notice the tiny smiles, flickering wet eyelashes, fading dimples, and snuggles that sneak up on me

16. for seasons in my life.....there are moments that are much too painful for the human soul to last forever

19. giggles of delight and moans of fear from an autistic boy sitting behind me on the plane. I choose to remain in awe of his new wonders and explorations instead of succombing to annoyance. my girls choose to do the same.....

22. for 'one more goodnight hug' from Lincoln knowing that there will be 5 more hugs and 5 more 'one more goodnight kiss' in the next 60 seconds.......

4. finding my kids clothes painted across my wood floor and knowing that this is the result of 'dress-up'. they are not grown up yet!

2. riding with the windows down in the car and the a/c on.....because I can!

39. the ability to receive a judgemental stare from an on-looking parent and in turn reflect a modest smile, knowing that the undeserved grace that I have received allows me to do so

44. the option of turning life's challenges into blessings instead of turning them into seeds of bitterness

48. for honest friends that speak truth which sculpts my heart instead of fearful friends that tickle my ears with complimentary lies

58. an amazing mother-in-law that serves me continuously without expecting anything in return

3. a husband that takes time to 'date' our daughters and plants those small seeds of love and acceptance

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