Saturday, November 14, 2009


Lately we've just enjoyed the simple things in life: hiking, camp fires, donut runs to Krispy Kreme, netflix movies, and the entire family (including Clifford) laying on Kennedy's bed. I love family!


I always wonder.....where will I be next year at this time? Do you? I'm always curious about the future? I wonder what major hurdle we will be jumping or major celebration we will be clapping for. I always wonder. I do like to reflect also on the past. I'm so thankful for how far we've come and how much He has blessed us both! We have great family and some pretty dang amazing friends! I do feel, however, that there is much in front of us! I feel like God has some stiff plans for us some day! I'm not sure what but I think we are being molded and (broken at times) in order that we may be in the shape He wants. Just curious.......Jer.29:11

Heart Breaker

This little man has stolen my heart! Lately he has been quite cuddly and wants to lay his head on my shoulder. How can I resist. He also has started saying "uh-ooohh". It's way too darn adorable! Not to mention he has a very cute 'stare-down'. Yep, he'll lock eyes with you and turn those eyebrows in and just give you the very scary serious look. We do it right back until we can't help but burst into laughter and then he throws his head back and laughs too! He's just so jolly! I love him!

Growing Up

So Mia says to me the other day "Mom, when am I gonna be all grown up, anyways?" Then she said "cause it's taking so long......" I told her that she was growing up way too fast and I loved her being my baby girl! Of course she loved hearing that. We've been snuggling alot lately and sitting down to color together. It's so fun!

Time is Precious

I haven't blogged in forever. I guess life has just taken me by the coat tails! Tonight as I was leaving to go have girl time, Kennedy said "will you snuggle me when you get home?" I said, yep, I will if you are awake. Then she said "pink promise" and then came at me with the pinky. So we folded pinkies and that was that. So when I got home, I walked into her room to see her fast alseep like a princess. I just sat down next to her and rubbed her little feet. I was just pondering about how much she has grown up this year and how much I wish time would slow down. I have so many things I want to do and say. I already feel like I'm running out of time. Time is brutal and seems to beat us to the punch each moment. It's one of the cruel things in life that we cannot manipulate. I cannot speed up time or slow it down. All I can do is make it count!