Thursday, February 4, 2010

Valentine Frenzy= LOVE

Here we go again. We like to make our very own Valentines for our friends and for school. I know, we sound cheap! But that is not the case, well maybe. But mostly we make them because we enjoy crafts. We are such nerds! Kennedy, Mia, and I love to sit down at the bar and craft, color, glue, and make one big mess. So, we made owls, hearts, aliens, and flowers. We had so much fun. We are done and ready a week early for Valentines Day. Next week we will make truffles and fudge for our neighbors. I love doing these things with the girls. I hope they pass on the traditions to their young ones one day too. But mostly I want them to understand what LOVE really is about. It is unconditional. Alexanders try and show unconditional love because Christ does this for us each and every day. We need to love one another and allow lots of room for Grace! Sometimes it's hard for the girls. They are quick to snap at eachother and having one another is really gonna teach them so much about real love. I am still learning too.......each moment!! They are quick to remind me too!

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