Thursday, January 21, 2010

Personal Goals 2010

I wasn't going to publish this but then I thought "why not?!". If I publish it then I'll me more likely to stick to it. I do have a few goals this year. I don't really refer to them as "New Years Resolutions". These are goals and hopes, along with a few pipe dreams!! I usually begin my goals in Dec. of the current year. So I started back in December and hope to keep on going. So, here we go people!

1. Become a better keeper of the Word by memorizing some key verses and getting into my Greek and study materials from college etc.......

2. Fast more often with my husband. I think it's vital for couples to pray and FAST together. I'm embarrassed to admit that we haven't really developed that as a habit but we are this year. (I know that's a pretty personal one)

3. I will take better care of my skin. I live in nasty hot weather and there is no moisture in the air in Phoenix, AZ. I refuse to turn into a prune by the age of 40. I'm gonna wear sunscreen every day (rain or shine) and wear a hat at the pool this year.

4. Read, read, read, read!!! I have been terrible this year at reading. I'm gonna finish my book called "Don't Know Much About History" and would love to read up some more about American History.

5. Eat as much Whole Foods and possible. I'd love to have the family eating veggies and fruit everyday and meat 1 a week. We're gonna invest in Juice Plus this year and get healthy!

6. Take more initiative in doing "one-on-one" with the kids. They are still wanting that individual attention. I took Mia to McDonalds the other day (I know....super healthy) and she loved it!

7. Compete in 2-4 races this year. I'd love to do the half-irongirl in October but it's so very expensive!! I'm running a half-marathon at the end of January.

8. Stick to my grocery budget each month. This one will be tricky!! I only pay with cash, so that should help.

9. Give more to others!

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