Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I'm Not a Superhero/Supermom........and That's Okay

i"m totally shooting from the hip here, as usual. Don't have time to proofread and change if you couldn't tell in previous missplelled blogs! The more I talk with women and hope to see a vulnerable side of their deeply rooted and hidden souls, I realize how unsure we all are and how much we compare ourselves to "her". You know, the mom who drives the way cool SUV, has buns of steel, the finest and most stylish outfits, kids are all dressed and color coordinated (yuck), cooks like Emeril, kisses her kids/husband every 5 seconds, uses words like "oh come here honey, it's okay sugar-pie", and is a coupon maniac. Well that couldn't be more opposite of me. I am in agony (due to my pride) as I rumble around in the most familiar grey Honda Odyssey mini-van, have jello for buns, clothes from Goodwill, kids in mismatched costumes and a boy who wears his sisters socks, and the list goes on...........Looking at either scenario for a mom.....both can be and are amazing. A truly loving mommy is not defined by her clothes, car, or buns, right? So how come we use these characteristics to measure our worthiness, at times? Because we are human!

The other day, I rushed out of the house to pick up my kids from school and didn't even realize that I was still wearing my giant, bright blue Gator slippers. oops! And to make things worse, I was wearing my sweatshirt inside out. And it's true that I had on the same yoga pants that I was wearing the day prior. Hopefully no one was keeping track of my ridiculous outfit. Now, I normally like to look presentable but there are moments that the rush of life and cries of the baby take over and're left a mom. It's funny cause just years ago, you could spot me teaching in school and dressed to the hilt! So I am professional and I do have self respect. I'm not some country girl that's been raised by wolves. I like to look nice.

Bottom line is that you finally reach a point that you are okay with who you are and focus on your own strengths given to you by God. I can't sew a stitch but I love to cook, scrapbook (whenever time will allow), race in triathlons and that's about it. I kill all living plants; so gardening might be disastorous! Hair and makeup....ummm.........I read magazines and try and figure that one out cause I have no natural ability to curl, fluff, spray, or rosey up my cheeks. I wing it!

I've learned not to be intimidated by the most attractive moms who seem to have it all together. Once I get to know them, I realize we all share similiar fears, concerns, and joys in parenting. Just hoping you feel normal as you read this blog and see that being an amazing mom doesn't mean being a super-hero. But if you are a super-hero, that's cool too!

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