Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Big 4!

I cannot believe that my baby turned 4 this month! Where did time go? Just yesterday, we were bringing that little bundle home from the hospital. I had no idea was I was in for with a boy. Our house has changed dramatically since his arrival, princess dolls replaced with army men, super heroes found fighting Jesus in the manger scenes at Christmas, hard and crusty play-do found hidden in the deep secret places of Lincoln's room, volume increased from quiet to VERY LOUD, Star Wars battles erupting numerous times with numerous weapons, including vacuum hoses, wrapping paper tubes, and eating utensils. I love how our home has evolved over the past 4 years with the male influence.

Lincoln, we love your adorable smile, your 'angry faces', your 'nuggles' that come with great demand in the evenings, your hip hop dance style, your funny laughs. We love watching you run full throttle down the road with your head bobbing back/forth and your hair dancing in the wind. We love waking up in the mornings to find that all the chapsticks have been stolen and concealed in your room. We love listening to you create battle between Buzz Light Year and Iron Man. We love you!!! May God grow you into the man He has designed you to be and use you in an incredible way!

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