Friday, December 30, 2011

Alexander Values for 2012

As most of you know, Paul and I are planners and organizers by nature and we have even planned out some family values that we'd like to try and instill in our little monkeys! Now, we know that life surely does not go as planned; but we revised out family statement and hoping to be a bit more specific, beginning in 2012! Of course we still believe in our family statement that "God created the Alexanders to love Him, imitate Him and serve others first." But we have added another section. If we could have one wish for our kids or a snapshot of what we want them to grow into.........this would be it. Our desire is that the Alexander family:

Would listen to God's voice and obey Him (through His word and prayer), put others first, and attain a self-confidence in their identity that reflects God's image and a life-style that reflects what He created them to be/do.

What more can a mother and father ask for? Now that we have a target for them, it allows us to aim for something that is meaningful. Part of that is adapting a common language in our home. These are top statements that our kids will hear until we die.

Alexanders always tell the TRUTH.
Alexanders show COMPASSION to everyone.
Alexanders are RELIABLE. We keep our word.
Alexanders use SELF-CONTROL, no matter what.
Alexanders are HUMBLE. We don't brag or show off.
Alexanders are STRONG. We never give up.
Alexanders make WISE choices. We reflect Him.
Alexanders like to have FUN!

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