Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fireworks.........Fired...........and then Fireworks...........

Who would have imagined that as we chased dazzling firebugs, watched grown men jump for glee with Kroger brand mini-explosives, and exhaled through a sweaty game of freeze tag that the next 4th of July would be 6 states back over towards the West? This 4th of July was celebrated in Arizona with old friends, swimming, fried chicken, and sparklers. As we sat in the cool breeze (a storm was blowing in) and watched the grand finale of fireworks, I remembered that one year ago, we attended church together as a family for the 1st time in Atlanta. We then rushed home to begin our 4th with friends who drove down from Indiana. If you had stopped me and told me you were a prophet and that I'd be back in AZ for my next 4th of July, I would have sighed my disbelieving chuckle and retaliated with "dream on, I'm not moving again!!" And dreaming we are..........feels that way some days. I have to remind myself what exactly we have been through this year. The kids were a little out of whack the past few weeks and I couldn't figure out why on earth they were acting so peculiar. My girlfriend gently reminded me that we have moved twice in one year, changed schools twice (soon to be three x) and gone to Guatemala, and now here we are. Oh yeah, I guess I have just buldozed right through it and forgot how difficult it can be to keep transplanting.

However nuts this past year has been, it has also been one that has given abundantly. Before I opened my bible or my devotional today, I couldn't help but look around and see how wonderfully blessed our family is. I see three healthy kids, an amazing husband, a faithful church family, life-long friends, a pleasant home, filled cupboards and refrigerator, 2 cars in the garage, and most of all..........a daily relationship with the Creator. At the end of the day the kids could be sick, my husband could be lost, my house gone, no food, and no cars and yet still............I would have to give my Creator praise. Our praise is not dependent upon what He is doing for us now; but dependent upon Who He is and what he already "did". At least for us, we are trying to remain focused on Him and what He has already done for us on the cross; makes it really difficult to complain about the 'now'. Not saying we don't complain or even beg for reprieve but in the end.........feeling thankful.

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