Thursday, April 26, 2012

"Mamma Mia" Turns 7!!

Let me properly introduce you to our 7 year old! She is 7 and full of energy, soul, and undying passion! It's amazing how a mom can give birth to 3 kids and they are all so completely different! Mia broke the mold when she entered this sphere. She is our "mosaic". She is so unique and full of crazy expression. Her birth was actually quite the drama scene and we should have taken the hint then. She was not one to be unnoticed. The squad showed up at her birth due to the cord being wrapped around her neck and she spotted an entire 2 on the APGAR sca1e (10 being the highest). She was a blue smurf and still recovering from the rocky entry. She recovered and we saw those ridiculously enormous pools of blue open up and stare right into our hearts. She was precious and she was ours........all ours. Since her birth, she has managed to create all sorts of parties in our house. She even invented her own world that she calls "Janian World". You can hear her playing Janians on her bed and talking to all her imaginary Janians, as well as to her stuffed animals. She tried to explain the complex concept of all the characters but she lost us at "good kitty" and "bad kitty". Our giggle were unstoppable and we were blown away at her creativity, years ago!
Just the other day she told us that she couldn't wait to birth her own kids and that she knew she would be a great mom. I agreed and asked why she thought so. She mentioned all the wonderful care that she has been giving her "giggy" (her frog) and that she was practicing. Ohhh, we sure do love her. She is our spunky middle child. Her name means "like God" and "beautiful". She is living up to her name each day. It's not uncommon for her to ask about the homeless with impecable timing; usually while we are gulping down a 5 course meal in our air conditioned home. She is the unusual child that begs me take her to the pick up trash. She loves her earth! She would love to go totally Vegan but I told her to wait until she is older/healthier. She can't eat meant without mentioning how sad it is that the animal died. Oh, Mia.....we love you!
At any moment you can find her standing on a stool- helping in the kitchen, walking around on all 4 limbs and roaring at Lincoln, laying on her top bunk bed and whispering to her babies, playing swords outside with siblings, building forts in the living room, or collecting toys to give away at school the next day. Happy 7th birthday sweetie!

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