Sunday, April 22, 2012

Loving the Person and not the Perfection in Kids

I keep constantly reminding myself that this is a 'season' in my life. As moms we travel though many seasons, at turbo speed, with our kids. Our peeps change as quickly as the rocky weather at sea. One moment our precious princesses are twirling around in pink fluff and in a blink they are shopping for a bras! What, who stole that time?! Who allowed the fairies to grow up into a mature adolescents?! Not fair! Talking to a "mom-to-be" the other day, I realized how much I thought I 'knew' before my kids were born. I mean, I had taught 1st and 5th grade and volunteered with highschool kids for 8 years. I knew soooo much about rearing and parenting, right?! Hardly! I now realize how completely obtuse I was and even came across as moronic to some. Sooo, what am I learning through these experiences as a mom of 3 kids??? Seasons..............take it in stride. This has been beyond difficult. Our 1st born was given a name that literally means "strong/chief helmet". Hmmm...who's idea was it to pass along such a name? Good one, Lisa! So after she was born, we had 3 chief helmets, 3 first borns coexisting under one roof! Eye-opening. There have been arduous moments that birthed many tears, many after-birth 'labor' pains, and self-examination! Looking at your children is like looking at yourself in the mirror. My sin unveiled and disclosed in such a real and personal way. Ouch! My deficiencies, blemishes, and flaws draped upon the girls like ugly robes. Who dressed them today? I did. These realities can only invoke grace. They must produce grace or we are finished now. Grace leads to love, forgiveness, acceptance, appreciation, and growth. Sooo, knowing that our kids will make mistakes, that they reflect us, and that grace is required, I am much obliged to welcome the many seasons. I welcome the loud noises from dumptrucks being scraped down the tile floors, drenched bathroom floors after a fun bath, spilled milk every day in partnership with wiggly bodies, disheveled bedrooms, loud voices, chewing/talking/spewing with mouths open and full of food, mismatched/stained outfits on picture day, sassy lips, and the arguing. I welcome these experiences and allow them to grow me, as well as the opportunity to grow/teach my children. I have to ask myself in some of these moments "Is this a big deal as I look at the 'Big Picture" in life? Loud dumptrucks........not a big deal. Sassy lips that reflect wounded heart......big deal. So deal with the character at hand and teach through the moment. Be a coach that marinates her words in gentleness. Be a parent who gives grace without strings attached. This is not mastered in my young life but I'm growing daily in these mosaic seasons of life.


The Rogersuz said...

Love this. Thanks for sharing! We are three first borns in one house right now and one of them is a three year old. Enough said. I do fear we expect our child to be perfect at times. Thanks do much for the reminder!!

alexander crew said...

thx Tammy.Parenting is surely keeping me so humble these days. LOL. Hope you guys are well. sure would love to play some Catan with you guys :-)