Sunday, February 12, 2012

I Can't Be This Old.......

I just laid there waiting to see sunrays push their way into the blinds but only gray hung in there. It is winter and only 6:30 in the morning but it's Tuesday morning and that means "running club" for my girls. Speaking of girls, one of them was snuggled right up in my small space/side of the bed with her tiny arm wrapped around my waist. In the distance I could hear my 3 year old demanding that it was time to rise and his stomach was needing chocolate cereal. He is completely unaware of real time. My husband already awake and exercising. I begin to crawl out of bed and hear a tiny voice murmor "happy birthday mommy". I think to myself "is it really my birthday? Is this really what it feels like to be 36?" I begin to process the day in my head, Before I leave the house, I must bake gf cupcakes and make homemade frosting. I can do this! I realize that I have to be at the girls' school to volunteer at 8:20, take Linc with me, then drop Linc off at preschool, squeeze in a workout at the musty old gym, steal a quick shower at home, pick Linc up from preschool, hoping he didn't hit anyone on my bday, then sit down to a quiet lunch with an amazing friend. Then, I'd have to chase my friend out of the house as I rush to pick up girls early from school, rush to doctor's appointment for find out that the dr wants to do more allergy testing on her back. This alerts her vocal chords and sends lots of high pitched sounds, alligator tears, and frustration for me.........on my birthday. Meanwhile keeping a 3 year old from climbing the blinds and riding the roller chair around the room. I rush out of dr office, zoom by the house to grab snacks, change clothes and off to gymnastics with friends, so the girls can see what it's like to tumble for free. Thank goodness for a wonderful man that goes with me to watch Linc while I watch my new tumblers dance and stumble with one eye on me to see if I am observing. I am. Then out the door of the gym at 6:30 to pick up Barros pizza for my bday; they serve gluten free for my kiddos. Drive home and eat the pizza, pop open an adult beverage, and breathe! Kids want daddy to share his gift. It's in a manilla envelope from his office. I'm excited cause I think the best gifts come in small and unassuming packages. I was right. It was a homemade card with a story telling of all the amazing gifts they had chosen for me: dinner/movie, kindle, giftcard for workout clothes (haven't bought new ones in 5 years), and then we dive into the pink cupcakes. After kids are in bed, Paul and I watch my free redbox movie, The Help. Happens to be my new favorite and I love watching it multiple times. Laying in bed, where my day began, grey still coming in, as the day has gone to sleep, I realize that I might be one of the luckiest women in the world! Yes, on my 36th bday, I rushed around making my own cake, taking kids to dr appointments, gymnastics and volunteering in their class, sharing my sleep space with a 7year old bed hog, meeting the hunger demands of a 3 year old and eating cheap pizza that meets my kids allergy standards but I love it. This is truly a mom's life. This is what it's like to be a mom. Soon the spring will fully be here and I'll be able to roll over at 6:30 to see the sun pushing into my room and demanding my rise. Soon, my 7 year old's arm will be a 17 year old arm........and my 3 year old's food demands will be demands of a 13 year old in a radical growth spurt. My 6 year old will soon be a 16 year old allergy free food lover and time will slip through me like sand in a bottle. I don't want to miss any of these moments, especially on my 36th bday. Looking forward to many more to come.

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